Monday, September 19, 2011

Sikkim Earthquake 2011

Sikkim Earthquake 2011 is one of the most devastating for the North Eastern State of India. The Sikkim Earthquake on 6.8 on Richter Scale occurred almost 20 kilometers deep inside the earth crust and jolted Northern India spanning from Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal, Nagaland, Manipur and also jolted neighboring countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Tibet (China).

Since the epicenter of the Sikkim Earthquake was on India Nepal border, therefore death toll has been more in Sikkim. Sikkim Earthquake has snapped almost all lines of communication and transportation system in Sikkim. The monsoon has also played havoc in the hilly state where entire connectivity across districts and state capital is only through roads.

Earthquake in Sikkim is one of the most damaging in India earthquake history. Sikkim is a mountainous state, and is on the cradle of Himalaya mountain range and hence, the damage of life and property is more. Government of India is extending every possible support to the Government of Sikkim, so that loss to life can be minimized to least.

Rescue operation in the Sikkim earthquake has become problematic because of snapping of road network and because of rainy season, air service has also been severely restricted. The actual extent of the damage in Sikkim earthquake would be known once, rescue teams would be able to reach remote corner of the state.

Surya Prakash Arya

Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, India
(Views are personal)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Unemployment in United States

With the onset of downturn in the United States economy, unemployment in United States is increasing at alarming rate. President Barack Obama is making whirl wind round of all growing economy to increase the job prospect for American’s in worldwide. After 2008 downturn and recession across world, United States has been greatly affected by it and unemployment in United States has increased more than 9% in recent times.

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics in United States, price rise is badly affecting unemployed people in United States. The growth rate of jobs in United States has been negative in calendar year 2011 in comparison to calendar year 2010. Business Employment Dynamics, which measure proportion of job increase in a quarter in United States has estimated that gross job gain fell from 7.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2007 to 5.7 million in the first quarter of 2009, which is a shocking 24.6 percent decline.

As per statistics, unemployment in United States is alarming, and as President Barack Obama has already shown his interest for 2012 Presidential Election in United States, therefore, he is targeting to control menace of unemployment in United States. In fact, to check the upward going rate of unemployment in United States, President Obama is proposing a budget cutting program, and plans to invest the amount in various sectors to increase the job prospect for common Americans.

This amount is expected to be in the tune of $ 418 Billion and would create numerous jobs in Defense, Pharmaceuticals, Banking, Infrastructure, Healthcare, Education and many more. The opponent of President Obama, have in fact come up with a different argument for investing the money in preferred sectors, which would increase the low end multiple jobs for more number of people in United State, which would ultimately check the unemployment in United States and stopping outsourcing of such jobs to China, India, Philippines and African countries.

However, only the time will tell, how these measures will going to control the unemployment in United States, but definitely, if this problem in unemployment front is not controlled at the earliest, it would impact President Obama’s candidacy for President Ship in 2012. Let us hope for the best that unemployment in United States can be brought down a level, which would improve the overall scenarios of world economic order.

Surya Prakash Arya

Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, India

(Views are personal)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wikileaks on Indian Politicians

Wikileaks on Indian Politicians is creating ripple effect on Indian Political Arena. Wikileaks has opened up the Pandora box and Governments / People across the world get frighten with cable leaks every day. The Wikileaks on Indian Politicians are creating panic for politicians in India. The recent cable leak is about the statement by Shri P. Chidambaram, Home Minister of India. This Wikileaks on Indian Politicians of Shri Chidambaram stature has created flutter in Indian Parliament.

Wikileaks on Indian Politicians namely Shri P. Chidambaram has leaked the statement of Shri. Chidambaram which blamed North India is a big reason behind India’s backwardness. Has South and West India would have been a nation; it would have been a developed country by now. But Wikileaks on Indian Politicians or others remain to be verified for its veracity and sources of information. Cable leaks created headlines initially in United States of America and across world because it leaked “so called” secret documents of United States. Why I am calling these secret documents as “so called” because these cable leaks were known to people across world.

Then a case was filed against Julian Assange in United Kingdom to show the world that United States is after Julian Assange because he has leaked secret classified documents of United States government. This is being done to show the world that these cable leaks on Wikileaks are genuine and that is why United States is after it. So, this entire episode may be done to create a kind of face value for Julian Assange and Wikileaks by United States.

Now that they have created that face value of Julian Assange and Wikileak, perhaps United States can play with the people around world and releases documents to create problem in areas which should least get bothered with these cable leaks. Who knows that Wikileaks on Indian Politicians is a chapter in story of Wikileaks?

Surya Prakash Arya
Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, India
(Views are personal)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Japan Earthquake 2011

The Earthquake on the Richter scale of 8.9 in Japan has jolted all of us alike. No doubt we cannot exactly understand pain, the people in Japan are going through but our sincere wishes are with them. The horrific pictures of Sendai and other places, which I have seen in CNN/Impact, CNN-IBN, India TV and Star News have moved so much, that I am writing this article.

The Earthquake in Japan in 2011 is the worst ever in the history of the world’s third largest economy. The Tsunami followed earthquake was also worst ever for the innocent and lovely people of Japan. The time of warning of Tsunami was so less that many people could not able to get time to go to safer areas and killed more than 5000 people and many more still missing.

Now, the meltdown of the Diiachi Nuclear Power Plant of TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company)at Fukushima is indicating towards the impending Nuclear Disaster worst ever after Chernobyl in 1986. Lot of panic has been created because of radiation leakage in 80 Km radius around Diiachi Nuclear Power Plant endangering life of some 35 million people.

The situation in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has been aggravated because of earthquake in Japan in 2011, which was followed by approximately 21 meters high Tsunami in the coastal North East Region of Japan in Honshu Island. World is looking with aghast and deeply empathize with the people of Japan and pray from God that people of Japan can overcome the misery happened because of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown in 2011, worst ever in the history of mankind.

Surya Prakash Arya
Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, India

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sania Shoaib’s Marriage.Com

Media is so hungry for news and that is why every item is served to the consumer as “Breaking News”. Media used to be called as the fourth pillar of the Indian Democracy. But it is no more playing that important role. They are more concerned about the Sania’s marriage with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik.

India is already grappling with myriads problems from Maoist to Global Warming to Population Explosion to Regional flares up and many more issues to be covered. But to enhance the bank balances they are simply baking the chapatti on national media by showing that now sangeet’s preparation is going on, now mehendi is planned to shaadi to reception.

Sania is also one of the most intelligent people by declaring that even after her marriage to Shoaib Malik is will continue play for India. Media is also supporting her as if she has made self sacrifice by declaring the she will represent India in Tennis arena. What the media has forgotten the real issue behind her gimmick.

Sania Mirza wants to keep the advertiser’s with her so that she does not lose her sponsors. If she plays for Pakistan, she understandably knows that Indian sponsors will shy away from sponsoring her. This would seriously jeopardize her career and her penchant for glory and money. So, it is my humble request from the media person to please let her enjoy her life and also encourage her to play for Pakistan than to India and sooner she would realize that what she mistake she has done.

Perhaps then, Malik sahib would also learn a lesson by befooling him twice by marrying Indian Beauties.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal), India


It is said when Raibhya Rishi did hard penances, God appeared by the name of “Hrishikesh” and this area was henceforth called by the name “Rishikesh”.

Rishikesh, situated on the right bank of Ganga and surrounded on three sides by Himalayan ranges, known from medieval time as celestial abode, is a great pilgrimage centre of India, attracting a large number of pilgrims. It is believed that Bharat, brother of Lord Rama, subjected himself to severe penance here. A temple known as Bharat temple was later constructed at the site and the town of Rishikesh sprang up around the temple. It has since been the abode of saints and sages from where they sojourn before undertaking the arduous pilgrimage that lay ahead on the distant Himalayan peaks.

This gateway to the Abode of Gods and pilgrimage to Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri and Yamunotri is clustered with Ashrams, finest Hotels, Tourist Rest Houses and Dharamsalas.

The Yoga centres of Rishikesh have enhanced the significance of the place, home and foreign tourists from all over the world visit this place to have lessons in yoga and meditation.

Places of Tourist Interest and Pilgrimage

Neelkanth Mahadev, Rishikesh (distance is 14 km from Rishikesh): It is located at a height of 1550m, is also famous for its healthy climate and scenic beauty. There is a temple dedicated to Neelkanth Mahadev. At Neelkanth good food and accommodation is available. From here it is worthwhile to visit Bhuvaneshwari Devi Temple – 2 km trek and further 3 km is Jhilmi gufa. Nowadays it is motorable.

Rishikund and Raghunath Temple, Rishikesh (distance is 1.6 Km): Legendary tank where Lord Rama took bath, is a popular bathing spot for pilgrims.
Triveni Ghat, Rishikesh (distance is 1.6 Km): A bathing ghat, where three streams of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati are said to flow together. This is a sacred place where ‘Pind Shradha’ is performed. There are several temples around.

Bharat Temple, Rishikesh (distance is 1.6 Km): Opne from 5.00 A.M. to 11.00 A.M. and 1.00 P.M .to 9.00 P.M. A very old temple built and surrounded by massive walls, this temple is situated in the heart of Rishikesh town.

Laxman Jhoola, Rishikesh: It is about 3 km north of Rishikesh. There was a hanging jute rope bridge (without pillar) till 1889 and was rebuilt with iron ropes in 1939, on the Ganges with a span of 240 metres, is a beautiful sight. Raghunathji’s temple and Thirteen Storey Temple are the main attractions around Laxman Jhoola.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Uttarakhand - “Ancient Haven for Pandvas, Poets and Pilgrims”

The Pandvas, wearied by the years of struggle against their wicked brothers, came here to rest and the Tibetan Poet – saint Milerapa listened to the echoes of nature and voice from beyond. Buddhist books are replete of instances where the Lama hermit travels in response to his guru’s summons – his sojourn on earth is coming to an end and he has sent for his disciple – who hears his guru’s voice from one thousand miles away. Mysteries still live along the Himalayas slopes – ever present for those who search with an open heart for those who search for the truth, sublime beyond all conflict – beyond all destruction.

Overcoming all strife, the spirit of the Himalayas distils its influence in the world’s philosophy, poetry, music, painting, sculpture and architecture. The birth place of immortal thought and concepts that hover over its peaks – Shambhala, the Holy Grail and the Heavenly Jersusalem are the symbols of the hope and aspirations of horrified mankind. The quest of the spirit forever remains the supreme end of a mankind looking beyond the emptiness of present existence. This life is only the means for the spirit to gain experience when the material existence is over – the real man comes into his own and continues in a different state and sphere. We cannot accept that fact that the creators of the world’s masterpieces of art and literature, that have survived for centuries, have disappeared and exist no more – beyond all destruction stands the eternal concept of spirit. These thoughts fill the mind in the pure and rarified atmosphere of this “Abode of the Gods”.

This is the land where the Ganga, Yamuna, Alaknanda and the Mandakini are born and can be seen in their pure blissful infancy, which sent the late Prime Minister Pandit Nehru into raptures during his visit in the youthful years in 1938. Here the Himalayas appear in varying and fascinating hues depicting, sometimes, their rugged grandeur and at others, the beauty of their softness in the symmetry of careless abandon, “Among mountains, I am the Himalayas”, says Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. An endless source, in fact a cornucopia of material prosperity, as well as bringing spiritual peace to India’s culture, the Himalayas are both mighty and humble.

Here in the land where India’s holiest rivers begin and pilgrimages and the temples of the Lord soar into the cosmic blue, yonder man and surrounded by the dizzy beauty of eternally frozen lakes, majestic waterfalls, meandering rivers, undulating meadows, incredible lush green mountain valleys and a large variety of exotic flora and fauna willingly surrenders his soul to the Absolute Being.